Sunday, March 4, 2018


 A new "view" of sorts out my kitchen window! Our neighbor Jim Martin planted these "arborvitae" that you see beyond our fence in 1995...he thought they'd make a nice green wall and screen out the neighboring homes to his north. He was assured that they would grow quickly and they did. In let's see...28 years...they've reached at least 30' to 40' and were almost a solid wall, blocking out my view of the hills and keeping the side yard in perpetual shade.  
An "arborvitae" is really a Thuja (pronounced Thoo-yuh) which is really a member of the Cupressus or cypress family of trees. It can get up to 60' tall (oh, goody) and grow multiple trunks as you see.
Thankfully one big clump died over the last year and was threatening to fall into our fence. So neighbor Jim and my trusty under-gardener Jack got together with a chainsaw and took out the dead one. Jack also convinced Jim to remove many of the multi-trunks that were too close to the fence (about 2 dozen of 'em). With a snow load, some trees would bend over 20' and lean on our roof! Some also snapped off and left ugly bare trunks. Now there is about 50% more sunlight getting through, which will make me and my plants happier. And I can see the hills and sky to the southeast! 
Speaking of trees, weather (late snow storms) and the price tag of removal ($2000) made me rethink having the Red Maple cut down in the backyard. It lives to plague me with its constant mess for many more years, I fear. "Just get over it," says my under-gardener. I'll remind him of that this spring while he vacuums out the gutters filled with maple flowers or this fall during the month of 3' deep leaf raking! The arborist assures me that someday the tree will split and a part will fall on the house unless drastic measures are taken before then. As Scarlett said with a southern accent, "Oh fiddle-dee-dee, I won't think about that today...I'll go crazy if I do...I'll think about that tomarrah! 

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