Tuesday, May 31, 2016


 Chicago Peace
 Fragrant Cloud
 Scent from Above
 New Dawn
Sunset Celebration


We call this little device "the tiddler." It keeps the water in the birdbath moving with its little tiny buzzing disc sort of like a miniature milk frother. It's battery operated. The bird folks at Wild Birds Unlimited say that birds are more attracted to moving water. I like it because it keeps the water cleaner by moving the debris to the edge where I can easily get rid of it. 

Monday, May 2, 2016


 Chris and Susan sent us a great combined Mum's and Dad's Day present...a really great weather station. 
 We decided to install the outside unit at one of the few clear spaces in our yard where trees don't interfere with the rain gauge. We probably won't get accurate wind readings since it's not on a 30' pole.
 It does all the functions including rain, barometer, wind speed and direction, humidity and of course temperature. 
It looks like some kind of thingy from outer space. We installed it in the rain....seems fitting!