Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Mr. A is taking a well deserved nap after our morning Samba practice. We really overdid it this time...double our usual 45 minute practice! I am teaching him (and reminding myself) the basic steps of this fun dance...not like you see it on DWTS, but as a ballroom dance. We, or I should say, I want to be able to do this dance at the big gala coming mid-Sept at the Rogue Valley Country Club...black tie, formal gown, fancy orchestra lead by the maestro of the Eugene Symphony...with the "cream of Medford society" in attendance...Do let's!  
Anyway, one thing just led to another and before we knew it the time had flown by. We now have at least seven steps in our repertoire which should let us dance for 3 minutes and not bore ourselves silly. In time (if we survive this practice session), we'll add a couple more steps. You have to hand it to someone who is willing to learn Samba at age 79! Of course, he did manage to avoid learning it for 10 years! Now events have caught up with him! I always say to him when we're in the midst of learning a new dance, "One day, you'll be glad you learned this dance!" So far, that's proven to be the case.  
Future practice sessions will involve a timer so we won't go so long!
I'm pooped too! Time to put my feet up and watch an old movie!

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