Saturday, July 4, 2015


To be sure, we are NOT planning a trip this 4th of July weekend, but we ARE packed....
We live on the side of a mountain in the Cascade foothills of Southern Oregon. We've been in a very dry period for 2 years, similar to Northern California. Southern Oregon and the Rogue Valley are not the "cool green vacationland" as advertised decades ago. We're dry and hot in the summer and depend on rain in the winter and spring to keep things nice. 
Every year on the week of the 4th, since we moved up here in the foothills, I review our emergency getaway plan. One suitcase for us with basics, a bag of toiletries, a bag of pet supplies and the cat carrier and dog leash. 
There are big 8' x 10' electronic reader boards at every entry to our foothills reading "NO FIREWORKS PERMITTED BEYOND THIS SIGN." But there are always those who think it doesn't pertain to them! So we await the evening with a certain amount of trepidation. At the sound of the first local booming (and there always is some) we call 911. Last year we were able to have the police respond in a very timely manner and they got the folks lighting off the mortars. The fine is $1000 per violation. Yes, we're not talking sparklers here (although they are illegal up here as well), we're talking stuff that shoots up way beyond the tree tops and makes the windows rattle and the pets hide in the closet. 
Our housing development was built in the 1970's and is a model for how NOT to do it. We only have limited ways to evacuate...3 roads out going down to Medford. We have huge mature conifers right next to homes and lots of overgrown brush in many yards. About 1/4 of the homes are rentals and are not well maintained when it comes to logging out dead trees and bushes.  
Other things to remember...plenty of gas in the cars, a box to gather up the computer stuff, cash and credit cards, a list of motels that take pets, the box of important papers....
We have had a few fires over the years from lightening or brush cutting at the wrong time, but they were quickly extinguished. We can't always think we'll be that lucky!
So Happy 4th of July!

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