Thursday, September 11, 2014


 When I was walking the dog, I spied a huge mound of pine needles that had been blown into the street up the hill about a block away from us. I knocked on the door of the house where they came from and only 3 big dogs came to the humans. So I raced home (as fast as you can race with a terrier who has to pee on everything), got Mr. A and the Brat pickup and we scooped the needles into the truck and scurried away. The pile (about 6' long and 3' high) now resides in our side yard, awaiting the electric leaf mulcher. It makes great compost and top dressing, as the pitch in the needles inhibits weed seeds from sprouting. 
Aside from a spot of petty larceny today, I did manage to appreciate the Heavenly Blue morning glories that are just now blooming on the fence. They test my patience as they are always the last variety to bloom!

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