Monday, January 28, 2013


 Okay, we'll admit it...we're addicted to the story! This season is already full of twists and turns and we've only seen 3 episodes of Season III so far.
The story thus far confirms what we suspected all along but brushed off...that Lord Grantham is really a pompous, controlling and incompetent man who has managed to muck up many lives, put the place into financial ruin by ignoring his advisers and now is partly responsible for his daughter's death! We can see that his ship is heading into rocky shoals in the 1920's. His wife, Lady Cora, has finally had enough of his bumbling (she forgave his financial stupidity) but she cannot forgive his hiring and siding with Sir Phillip (the even more pompous society doctor who ignored the local village doctor who had it right)...Lady Sybil was suffering from eclampsia at the time of childbirth and subsequently died.
Lady Mary proved she is a bitch and her father's daughter...we hoped she'd grow out of it, but she gets more like him every time. 
The Dowager Countess can see the shipwreck coming too and tells Matthew that there is no way he can overhaul the mismanagement of Downton without getting most noses out of joint about it. Ooooh, rough seas ahead. 
Lady Edith was left at the altar by the Lord she wanted to "make her life's work." We know he did her a favor and she is seemingly growing out of her title as "Head Bitch" and striking out for independence, even if most of the family pooh-poohs her abilities. She just wants to be useful.
Branson (the chauffeur who married Lady Sybil) could be forgiven his Irish idealism but he also is partly to blame for Sybil's death, keeping her from medical help in Ireland and having to flee Ireland during "The Troubles." We figure he'll leave his infant daughter at Downton and go back to Ireland to cause more hate and discontent among the English landholders there. 
And that's just the upstairs! We'll all stay turned!

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