Monday, March 25, 2019


I had just come in from shoveling aged mulch bark...a dirty, dusty job... and I was thinking about a nice iced coffee when "all of a sudden, up on the roof, I heard such a clatter (well, thuds, actually) of tiny reindeer  hooves..." but wait a "Ho, Ho, Ho" from Santa...just a weird "gobble, 'obble" sound. Suddenly, a squadron of C47's took flight (8 or 10)...too quickly to get to my phone for a photo...the flock of wild turkeys took off, going south from our rooftop. 
They do wander around the neighborhoods of east Medford and their numbers have increased to pose a annoyance in town...there'd been talk of turkey trapping and relocation...until one resident pointed out that they do fly and would just find their way back unless they were bused to, say, northern California or the Willamette Valley. but first you'd have to catch them...they're mean gals and guys when they get agitated! And did I mention their, ah, poop? Oye!  
So meanwhile, we just try to avoid running over them when they take a notion to cross the street...usually getting about to the center and then changing their minds. Or they dither while the lead turkey says, "Oh look over there...what's that?...Let's go that way...No, maybe not, well, then let's go back...But that still looks good over there..." This can go on for some time and blowing a horn won't just confuses them more, causing great flapping but no significant change. 
So I guess we'll just consider them our east Medford version of huge pigeons... 

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