Thursday, April 7, 2011


Jack's quarter-scale model is off to a new home at Beagle Air Field, a grass strip northeast of Medford where the A&P mechanic Steve Pankonin has a huge hangar complex. He also got a full box of airplane books and magazines culled from the extensive library here on Angel Crest.
The Polliwagen will have a good home with the big boy toys!

1 comment:

  1. Ran across this post during a search for Polliwagen info. A quarter scale model of the airplane flew long before the actual plane. My father built it, working with Joe Alvarez (dad and Joe were model flyer buddies in their native Argentina), as a dynamic test model to help determine the flight characteristics of the full size plane. These pics brought back some great memories. Dad died last year, and Joe's health has deteriorated in recent years.

    Robert Arance
    Santa Paula, CA
